
Workman Ministries solicits contributions to fund our efforts to guide those struggling to find peace to a place of rest. This journey often begins in poverty necessitating temporary housing, nutrition, and clothing. Any donation small or great will be put to work in this effort.

Cash donations can be made by clicking on the donate button provided below. We have elected to use the PayPal payment system to insure a secure payment transaction.

Tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts will be valued by IRS guidelines. The transfer of these donations will be initiated by using the contact form.

Workman Ministries will send by email an annual statement to donors reporting their total donation for the year. The annual statement will document the donations to be used on the donor’s tax filing.

We are deeply grateful to all who support the ministry God has placed in our hearts. May His richest blessings overtake you.